Mobile Rock Chip Repair

Glasweld Rock Chip Repair Kit

Rock chip repair has come a long way since it started back in 1972 when Dr. Frank Warner in Jackson Hole, Wyoming developed the first systems for windshield repair. I have noticed a lot of advancement in the technology even from when I first got into the industry in late 1996. Back then the repairs did not look or perform near as well as they do now. The damage can still be seen, but its visibility is generally reduced by at least 60 to 70 percent. Often even more.

The windshield of your car has now become a structural part of the vehicle. It supports the airbags to keep you safe if you are ever in an accident. The resins used in rock chip repair have been designed in recent years to help restore the structural integrity of your windshield.

Here at Mountain View Auto Glass LLC we have the experience, expertise and a commitment to quality. No damaged glass will be restored to perfection. But when you use a company like us that uses the latest technology, you know you are getting the best rock chip repair results possible.

Latest Technology

Mountain View Auto Glass LLC has chosen not to go middle of the road when it comes to rock chip repair equipment or resins. We use the very latest and most advanced available such as that made by Glasweld, a manufacturer based out of Oregon State, here in the US.

We like to stay up on the technology as it changes and advances to insure that we can do the very best possible job for our rock chip repair customers.

Glasweld Windshield Rock Chip Pit Filler

Experience The Difference!

Before and After Rock Chip Repair Example
Types Of Rock Chips Examples